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Are you going to have your first trainers and sneakers, but worried about what to buy? You shouldn’t be! As always, we’ve your back covered! As in today’s article, we will have a detailed insight into mens trainers and mens sneakers you should buy. From so many brands, with so much to buy, it becomes difficult to have the right trainers or sneakers pair. Also, where to wear what might confuse you. Therefore, it’s time for you to clear all such confusion with our 101 shoe guide to trainers and sneakers!

At first, trainers were designed for athletes only. But now, they’re staples in every men’s wardrobe. From everyday events to sports to dates, you can wear sneakers of your type to express your style.

Sneakers are incredibly versatile, but they’re not for every occasion. You can have them on at semi-formal events and casual meet-ups, but they’re no substitute for dress shoes. You can get away with sneakers with casual outfits to go out to a bar or restaurant with friends. But they’re not meant for special and formal occasions like weddings and engagements.

While wearing your sneakers and trainers, make sure that their colours match your outfits in the wardrobe. But, when in the case of trainers, make sure that they match your colour and dress code perfectly. For example: match the colour of your trainers and sneakers with chinos and jeans, or contrasting might help. Furthermore, always wear sneakers and trainers that are comfy, providing articulation and support to your joints.

While opting for trainers and sneakers, the utmost aspect you should look for is the leather it’s made of. A few leather types, of which sneakers and trainers are made, are perfect for rougher use, as they are scuff resistant, e.g., Calf leather. On the other hand, soft leathers like Suede are delicate and are not water-resistant, which is why designed for more formal occasions.

If your trainers and sneakers are not spick-and-span, they’ll lose their charm, glow, and efficiency. Therefore, proper sneaker and trainer maintenance is required. You can clean and maintain your sneakers look by dry brushing and washing the laces, brushing the outsoles, using shoe trees and sneaker shields.